Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Mom's Legacy- the "Mom-mark"

This is the text of a commemorative book mark that I distributed to about 300 family and friends at my mom's memorial service and following.

Julie Brophyour beloved mom, wife, relative, and friend-of blessed memory- 1/4/54-10/2/10- Lessons We Learned From Her
Be Honest. Be Modest. Be Good.
Whatever you do, do it with dedication.
Preserve your memories the extraordinary and the everyday, too.
Plant a lot of flowers, look at them often, pick for friends.
Look for hummingbirds.  
Volunteer in your community, and sometimes for hard jobs.
Pursue new skills and learn new things at all ages, to keep your mind sharp.
When hard times come, complaining & negativity don't help. Face illness with grace
and bravery; you can find the strength.
Keep in touch!
Greet everyone with a smiling face.
Enjoy the special things about the place you live.
Indulge in delicious little things daily.
Throw parties often and give special gifts.
Make exercise a daily habit.
Know your family's funny stories well and repeat them often.
Tell your family's history.
Make peace within yourself & help others find it.
Try to be on time.
Show gratitude.
Appreciate what you have for its intrinsic value.
Cultivate patience.
Strive for your potential.
Laugh heartily, and enjoy good jokes as well as corny ones!
Hug and kiss often.
Live by your values.
Enjoy animals.
Give blood.
Appreciate everything you have and don't take it for granted.
Our Mother's Wisdom for Raising Families:
Everyone should help take care of the home.
Everyone works until the job is done.
Clean up as you go. Always say please and thank you.
Joke around.
Write thank you notes before you use the gift.
Leave clear phone messages and give good directions.
Even kids should give part of their money to charity.
Love lots.
This quote from our Jewish sages sums up a lot about my mother.  This is not an easy level to achieve but my mom really did it.  “Make your Torah study fixed, say little and do much, and receive everyone with a pleasant countenance."  Ethics of the Fathers 1:15
Message from Kate:  I’d like to make sure it is clear that I did not exaggerate my mom’s nature in order to write this poetic list of lessons learned.  She genuinely taught her family and friends lasting life lessons regarding every single one of these statements.  May her memory be for a blessing.

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