Friday, March 29, 2013

Book Review: Kids are Worth it! by Barbara Coloroso

Coloroso writes that there are three types of families: Jellyfish, Backbone, and Brick Wall.  Studying these family types through her book has been so enlightening.  To partially summarize the author's  parenting style, I would list: promotion of respect, structure, communication, and known expectations.  I found her book to be full of very positive ideas and helpful distinctions.  (Distinctions can be SOOO HELPFUL!!)

She has some very influential ideas about reward and punishment.  You will never look at those things, or praise vs. encouragement, the same way again!

A few key chapter headings:
-The triangle of Indlucen: Encouragement, Feedback and Discipline
-Three Alternatives to No and Other Plan Bs
-Settling Sibling Rivalry- some good ideas!
-The Big C and Three Rs: Chores, Relaxation, Recreation, and Rebellion
-Money Matters (Allowance)
-mealtime, bedtime, Toilet training, and teaching about sexuality

I believe in you
I trust in you
I know you can handle this
You are listened to
You are cared for
You are very important to me
-Importance of parents nurturing themselves too :)

-try not to conclude conflicts with both parties losing
-Re-creating ourselves through play
-The importance of relaxation
-what are fair, reasonable contributions for family members to the household
-long car rides are a good time for conversations
-different age groups of children- including one I hadn't heard of before- the "Un" Age- unable to be a child, unable to be an adult (ages 12-15)
-celebrate puberty!  (that idea will make you look this book up, right?)

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