Monday, December 24, 2012

Your Brain on Childhood: The unexpected side effects of Classrooms, Ballparks, Family Rooms, and the Minivan
by Gabrielle Principe

(Summary Part 1 of 2)

Stuff to do in the winter with kids!!!
My newest ideas away and at home
Section 1) Away, Section 2) Home

If I Have to Tell You One More Time...The revolutionary program that gets your kids to listen without nagging, reminding, or yelling By Amy McCready, Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, Inc.


Well, well, if it hasn't been the busiest and most challenging and wonderful five solid months since my last post!  I have often wanted to update this blog with my new experiences as a mom of two daughters under 3, but was not able to get around to it!

I have been reading parenting books like crazy, of course, to keep up with the new stages and happenings- especially with my almost-three-year-old.  I've relied heavily on seasoned veteren parents- my friends and family who've been there, done that.

Coming up next will be a series of a few blog posts contained insights gleaned from several great parenting books, conversations with my "support team," and notes from meetings with my parenting "chabura" for baalei teshuva moms. 

Mommy and Baby lovin' it up!
Daddy and Daughter swimming in our hotel in Chicago!
Family at Chanukah!